Ideal 30-144J Twister PRO High Performance WIRE-NUT Connector

Product Info

TOTAL 500 WIRE-NUT Connector. High performance wire connectors for fast, efficient wire connections. SureGrip overmolding provides improved comfort and better grip. Improved leverage and more torque, especially on larger wire combinations. Exceptional wire range capacity: Min. 2#18 to Max. 4#10. 600V max. building wire; 1,000V max. in fixtures and signs.

30-144J Twister PRO WIRE-NUT Connector
*Image Accuracy Not Guaranteed

Product Name: 30-144J Twister PRO WIRE-NUT Connector

Product #: 30-144J

Manufacturer: Ideal Industries, Inc.

Your cost per Hundred (100): $22.01

Order increment is 500

Your cost per 500: $110.05


Color: Red/Gray

Industry Standards: UL, CSA

Pack: 25 bag x 20

Temperature Range: 1050 C

Voltage: 600

Wire/Cable Size: Min. 2 #18 to Max. 4 #10


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