General Facts

Color Temperature & CRI
Color temperature defines the light's appearance ranging from "warm" to "cool". CRI describes a lamp's relative ability to render the colors of objects naturally and vibrantly.
Topics: Color Temperature CRI Color Comparisons Application Guide

Measuring Bulbs
Bulbs are generally measured in eighths of an inch (1/8") at their widest diameter. The maximum overall length (MOL) is the end-to-end measurement of the bulb in inches. The diameter of a bulb's base is measured in millimeters.
Learn how to measure light bulbs.

Bulb Types
Every lighting product has specific advantages and limitations. Click on a bulb type to further learn about which lighting technology would be best suited for your specific needs.
Topics: Incandescent Halogen High Intensity Discharge Linear Fluorescent Compact Fluorescent LED

Base Types
There are a variety of base types. The most common are the medium screw-in base, candelabra screw-in base, bayonet, bi-pin, and mogul screw-in base.
Topics: Incandescent Halogen Fluorescent Compact HID Miscellaneous
